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Are My Allergan Breast Implants Recalled?

Are My Allergan Breast Implants Recalled?
Marc Karlin

Certain types of breast implants have been recalled due to health and safety risks. In particular, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalled Allergan breast implants. Allergan is a pharmaceutical company founded in California in 1950. The company produces and distributes various pharmaceutical products, including breast implants. After conducting a comprehensive analysis, the FDA recalled certain breast implants manufactured by Allergan because of their link to safety risks, including the risk of breast-implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), a type of cancer of the immune system that develops around the breast implant. Women who have undergone breast augmentation surgery using the recalled implants may have options for financial compensation.

The personal injury lawyers at Karlin & Karlin represent clients in product liability cases involving recalled products. If you are asking, “Are my Allergan breast implants recalled?” and wondering what legal options are available after breast augmentation surgery with a recalled implant, consider calling (888) 295-0138 to discuss your specific case and explore the legal remedies available to you during a free case review.

Understanding the Recall of Allergan Breast Implants

In 2019, Allergan issued a recall of some of its breast implants and tissue expanders, affecting consumers across the world. The recall was the result of a request by the FDA after the federal agency had linked the breast implants to the risk of developing BIA-ALCL. Women who have been affected by the recall of Allergan breast implants might have options for compensation.

Why Did the FDA Recall Allergan Breast Implants?

The FDA ordered Allergan to recall some of its textured breast implants and tissue expanders to protect consumers from the risk of developing a lymphoma. Allergan agreed with the FDA’s conclusion and recalled some of its products from the market in the United States and across the globe. According to the FDA, the federal agency discovered 573 cases of BIA-ALCL. Of those, 481 were linked to Allergan breast implants and 33 resulted in the patient’s death.

Symptoms of BIA-ALCL Caused by Recalled Breast Implants

The FDA’s analysis showed that women who have textured breast implants made by Allergan in their bodies might face health risks, including the risk of developing BIA-ALCL. Below are some of the most common symptoms of this type of lymphoma:

  • Fatigue
  • Enlargement of breasts
  • Hardening of breasts
  • Change in appearance of breasts
  • Lumps in the armpit or breast
  • Pain or swelling in breasts
  • Redness on the skin around the breast
  • Unusual weight changes

By the FDA’s estimations, hundreds of thousands of women have Allergan breast implants. However, this does not necessarily mean that all women with breast implants made by Allergan will develop BIA-ALCL or experience other health problems. If a woman notices any of the above-mentioned symptoms after a breast implant surgery, she should see her doctor and may want to consult with an attorney to explore her options for financial compensation. The attorneys at Karlin & Karlin have the necessary experience and resources to represent women affected by the recalled breast implants in class action and individual lawsuits against Allergan.

Are My Allergan Breast Implants Recalled?

The FDA’s request for recall did not affect all breast implants made by Allergan. Not all breast implants manufactured by the California-based pharmaceutical company pose a risk of cancer. However, many women who have breast implants manufactured by Allergan may wonder, “Are my Allergan breast implants recalled?” Breast implants affected by the recall include the following:

  • Styles 168, 468, 163, and 363 of Natrelle Saline-Filled Breast Implants
  • Styles 120, 110, 115, TCM, TSM, TSX, TRF, TRM, TRL, TSL, TCL, TSX, TCX, TRLP, TSLP, TSF, and TCF of Natrelle Silicone-Filled Textured Breast Implants
  • Styles 410LM, 410FX, 410MF, 410FL, 410MM, 410LX, 410FM, 410LL, 410FM, 410LF, 410MX, and 410FF of Natrelle 410 Highly Cohesive Anatomically Shaped Silicone-Filled Breast Implants
  • Natrelle 133 and 133 Plus Tissue Expander (including with suture tabs)

A comprehensive list of products affected by the recall can be found on the FDA’s website. Women who have one of the recalled Allergan breast implants have an increased risk of BIA-ALCL. If a patient is living with any of the recalled breast implants, it is critical to consult with a medical professional about possible risks and remedies.

Did Allergan Notify Patients Affected by the Recall of Breast Implants?

In June 2020, Allergan launched a multi-channel campaign to notify all patients affected by the recall of breast implants. Even though the breast implants were recalled in 2019, not all patients were aware of the recall. Patients who do not know whether they are affected by the recall of Allergan breast implants should do the following:

  • Check their breast implants in the list of recalled products on the FDA’s website
  • Contact Allergan to determine whether the company has information about the patient’s breast implants
  • Contact the surgeon who performed the breast augmentation procedure to check records of the implant information
  • Consider speaking with a personal injury lawyer to explore options for compensation if they have been affected by the recall

Is the Removal of Recalled Allergan Breast Implants Necessary?

The recall of Allergan breast implants prevents the pharmaceutical company from distributing and selling the recalled products. However, it does not necessarily mean that all women who already have the recalled breast implants should remove them. The removal may not be necessary if the woman is not experiencing symptoms of BIA-ALCL because the risk of developing the rare type of lymphoma is relatively low. However, it is always best to consult with a medical professional to discuss the potential removal of recalled breast implants.

Legal Remedies for Those Affected by the Allergan Breast Implant Recall

Manufacturers of pharmaceutical products and medical devices, including breast implants, are legally required to design, manufacture, and market products that are safe for consumers. Failure to do so may result in preventable harm and the risk of developing medical conditions, including cancer. Patients affected by the recall of Allergan breast implants may have legal remedies available to them, especially if they have been diagnosed with BIA-ALCL or had to undergo additional surgery due to safety risks. If you still wonder, “Are my Allergan breast implants recalled?” consider speaking with an experienced attorney at Karlin & Karlin to discuss your case and explore your legal remedies by calling (888) 295-0138 to schedule a free case evaluation.

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